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Throughout history, there has never been a more masterful storyteller than Jesus. Hundreds, sometimes thousands, gathered to hear Jesus share vivid word pictures known as parables - slices of everyday life that teach eternal truths. Two thousand years have passed, and these same stories remain as life-changing as when they were first spoken. Join us this Sunday for the start of our sermon series, The Storyteller, as we explore Jesus’ most impactful parables.
Here is our weekend schedule:
Cloverville Campus – 9:00 am, 10:30 am, and 12:00pm.
McGraft Campus – 9:30 am and 11 am.

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Come as you are, whether that's your Sunday best, or your favorite jeans, you're welcome here! You'll be greeted at the door by one of the friendly faces of our welcome team. A typical service will last about an hour, filled with engaging music and relevant biblical teaching. Plan to stick around a few minutes afterwards to get to know  our community!

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